Thank you for entrusting your child’s spiritual development and education to the care of Santa Teresita School. Recognizing that you, parents, are the primary educators of your children, it is our mission to collaborate with parents to provide a strong Christian and academic education for your children by providing a nurturing learning environment rooted in Gospel values. We believe in the importance of developing our partnership with parents, who are the primary educators of your children.
There are real benefits to being actively involved in your child’s education and school community. A report from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory found that “when schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” There is no doubt that your students’ interest in receiving a quality, morally-based education can be served if we all, students, parents/guardians, and school officials, work together.
We look forward to working with you to help your students in meeting the academic, moral, and behavioral expectations of the school. We invite you to explore this section of the website to discover ways you can partner with Santa Teresita School for the success of your child and benefit of the school community.